Frequently Asked Question
Below are some of our most frequently asked questions.
If there is anything more you wish to know, please contact us today.
Yes, we supply 100% BlueScope steel.
Not only are the materials manufactured here in Australia, they are also rolled from Australian iron ore, meaning it is mined right here in our wonderful country.
For any structure over 10 sqm, you will require a building permit, which is done through an independent building surveyor. It is not always a requirement to go through concil for a town planning permit and will depend on your land and your councils rules and regulations.
With depots in each state, we can deliver Australia wide.
You are welcome to pop in whenever suits you, one of our friendly staff members will be happy to help.
Our opening hours are:
Both stores: Mondays-Friday 9am to 5pm.
Kilsyth only: Saturdays 9am to 3pm.
All of our structures are 100% Australian, BlueScope steel. This means you have the full range of 22 different colours to choose from.
Yes! All of our structures come pre punched, labelled and supplied with a full set of construction plans.
Of course. A site specific reg 126 will be supplied. All of our structures are engineered site sepcific and not to a region alone, meaning it is built to suit your backyard. You can not expect that something built near the ocean will be engineered the same as something in the bush, have peace of mind knowing your structure will take into account the correct wind speed for your location.
All of our structures are designed to suit each customers different requirements, meaning that all of our structures are completely customised – dimensions, roller door sizes etc, all custome designed to suit you!
You sure can! While we encourage people come in store, we understand that not everyone can find the time, or, maybe you live a little too far away. Well, we have worked a way around this by being able to draw up a quote with you via teams. For this, we will need to book a time, so give us a call now on the numbers below to book your time slot.
Woori Yallock: (03) 5964 7761
Kilsyth: (03) 5964 7349
Get in touch
Contact us today. Simply give us a call, send us an email or come in store to see us, either way, we are happy to help.
Quoting process
Our staff will have a quote drawn up and emailed to you asap. You will be able to view this design in 3D, contact us if you have any questions or wish to make any changes.
Once you are happy with the quotes provided, our staff will ensure we help you where possible throughout the process. Our biggest goal is to have happy customers while supplying top quality structures.